Bad Business

“What is great about this book is its relevant subject matter to which many kids can relate.
Lindy comes across as a natural character who experiences the same things everyone else
does. …
The plot progresses very quickly which, in turn, makes the book a gripping and
fast-paced read that is sure to hold the 
attention of readers.”
                                                                         ~ Stephanie Johnson, CM Magazine, September 2015

Lindy has been working hard cleaning and doing odd jobs around the neighborhood to earn money for a trip to the Arctic. When Mrs. Naulty, an elderly client, mistakenly pays her a huge amount of money, Lindy keeps it to pay the early-bird rate for her trip. It’s only when a schoolmate learns what she did and starts blackmailing her that Lindy starts to suffer for her actions.


Canadian Children’s Book Centre selection, BEST BOOKS FOR KIDS AND TEENS, Spring 2016


Book categories: Fiction and Middle Grade Books